Mar 22, 20202 min read
Coronavirus update
Greek to Me Translations is primarily an online, digital business and remains open to serve you. Please do not visit the office as work take

Feb 29, 20204 min read
An evening of live transcreation
I can assure you, a few weeks ago, I didn’t know what live transcreation meant either. I was as puzzled as you are right now reading this. W

Jun 21, 20194 min read
5 reasons why your Greek employees should not be translating
Often at events, I chat with business contacts about how they deal with their organisation's translation needs. Some say they outsource

May 31, 20195 min read
Making translation part of your business plan
Businesses often think about translation at the very last minute. Let’s take a small beauty company for example. They have a new product the

Dec 20, 20180 min read
2018 a year in numbers
Another year has come to an end. 2018 brought more coffee, clients, events, projects, and words than any other year so far. This is Greek to

Dec 19, 20180 min read
Greek to Me 2018 highlights
From successful exams and assessments, to writing articles and being elected as committee member, 2018 had it all. These are the highlights.

Oct 19, 20183 min read
What languages should I translate my website into?
Your business is doing really well. You’re scaling up and you’re expanding into new markets. Great! You’re now thinking your website...

Sep 25, 20184 min read
Freelance translator or translation agency?
Whether you’re a start-up or a well-established company, if you're new to buying translation services it is easy to get lost in the abun

Apr 23, 20183 min read
5 things to do after translation
So you got your content translated! Perfect! Now what? What? You mean there’s more to it? I’m afraid so. If quality, accuracy, user experien