Nov 12, 20222 min read
Vasiliki Prestidge joins "Languages are for Everyone", a CIOL x Duolingo event
Languages are for everyone: CIOL X Duolingo in conversation at The House of Lords

Dec 30, 20214 min read
My 5 words for 2021
Words that shaped 2021

Apr 21, 20211 min read
Vasiliki Prestidge speaks at Channing School's Global Futures Event
On 22nd February 2021 Vasiliki spoke alongside Kerstin Cable, Lucy Richardson, Sacha Koopman and Dr Lindsay Bywood at Channing School...

Mar 8, 20212 min read
Vasiliki Prestidge presents at the CIOL Conference
Vasiliki Prestidge is due to present at CIOL's Conference on the subject of starting out as a translator this Thursday 11 March 2021.

Jan 24, 20212 min read
Vasiliki Prestidge hosts Dr Jessica Coon, consultant linguist on sci-fi film Arrival, for CIOL BPG
If aliens arrived, could we communicate with them? How would we do it? What are the tools linguists use to decipher unknown languages?

Dec 31, 20193 min read
2019 reflections
And so this is it. Just like that, today is the last day of 2019. When did this happen? Does time fly only for me, or are we all experiencin

Sep 30, 20193 min read
I speak English. You speak English. Why do we need her?
Yes, one of the parties said that to the other party, in front of me, about me.
Of course, it’d be rude to say it behind my back, but right

Dec 20, 20180 min read
2018 a year in numbers
Another year has come to an end. 2018 brought more coffee, clients, events, projects, and words than any other year so far. This is Greek to

Dec 19, 20180 min read
Greek to Me 2018 highlights
From successful exams and assessments, to writing articles and being elected as committee member, 2018 had it all. These are the highlights.